Kendama Innovation


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Trainer Tamas

Trainer Tamas

from $14.99
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Think of Trainer Tamas like training wheels for your Kendama. If you're trying to learn a new trick, start with the XL size. Once you lace it a few times, move down to the Large. Once you master the Large, it's time to move back to a standard tama you're used to playing with. You'll be surprised how the muscle memory translates and you'll be able to lace spikes and stalls better than before!


  • Beautifully crafted natural ash wood tamas with signature ash wood grain. Grip continues to improve over time as tama breaks in.
  • Large & XL bevel sizes for enhanced play (the largest bevels you've ever played)
  • Triple horizontal tracking lines
  • LunaTac tracking logo near string hole.