Kendama Innovation


Where to Buy Kururins in the United States

Where to Buy Kururins in the USA:

There are currently so many people making Kururins, they're truly exploding on the Kendama scene right now in the USA. I wanted to make a comprehensive list of all the places selling them into a blog post as a one stop shop for anyone who's trying to collect them all. I will update this along the way as I see more pop up! Some of these companies listed have their Kururins in the works right now, so make sure to follow along on social media for updates of when their Kururins release. If you're looking to buy a Kururin in the USA right now, we have them in stock! 

Kururin Desktop Table Top Skill Toy
from $14.99
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The Kururin ™, like the kendama, originated in Japan. It is a very unique skill toy that you can take with you and play anywhere. It is currently gaining massive popularity in the United States and everyone that tries one instantly has a smile on their face. If you're wondering what the heck this little thing is, just take a look at the hashtag #Kururin on Instagram for some flippy-floppy inspiration. At first glance, these things look easy...but the first time you play you'll realize it's harder than it looks! Luckily, it's a very fast learning curve and you'll be landing tricks in no time.

Our version of this fun skill toy is made of gorgeous Padauk wood which is nice and heavy and allows for more rotations and better tricks! It's also slightly larger in size to allow for better control for adult hands. You can order it with pads or without pads. The pads help add grip to the ends of the Kururin, they dampen the sound a bit and they make tricks a lot easier! We currently ship our Kururins with self-stick pads "on the side" so you can try it RAW first before sticking them on.